The Weekly Witch Review #59 : Mermaid Magick, The Honorary Witch, Urban Foraging, Fairy Circles & More!

TGiF Witches...

Welcome to the latest edition of "The Weekly Witch Review", a kickass guide to all things new & exciting (or at least new & exciting to me) on the wonderfully wacky world wide web... 

Lavender Bee's Knees : The Perfect Cocktail For Summer Solstice.

As every kickass book nerd knows, reading makes you HAPPY...

Reading has been shown to put our brains into a pleasurable 
trance-like state, similar to meditation, and it brings the same 
health benefits of deep relaxation and inner calm.

Something I do that probably bugs the shit out of every "serious witch" is give the title of "honorary witch" to any woman I find especially dazzling. Some people just have the MAGiCK & it emanates from within! Emma Stone is one of those people. She's got so much sass & class & that extra spark in her eyes...


7 Stages Of Magickal Metamorphosis.

(video) Urban Foraging is so damn cool!!!

Please forgive me for sharing another Sarah Anne Lawless post. I love her & am probably not going to stop any time soon...

Spiritual Cleansing is a practice not restricted by culture, because 
so many cultures share belief in the evil eye. The concept behind 
the eyil eye is not just one of intentional cursing stemming from
anger and envy, but a belief that our environment, the people around us, 
and our own attitudes can affect us negatively -emotionally and spiritually.

A cake fit for a proper mermaid.

And- keeping with the mermaid theme... there's THiS. #DameDarcy #TheFourQueens

★ These softcover photo books are neat-oh! Would make such a lovely gift...

10 Ways To Embrace Living As A Wild Woman.

Desert Fairy Circles : This is fascinating & yet another awesome example of As Above So Below.

Guaranteed Smiles!!!... 27 Animal Photo-bombs That Will Make Your Day.

77 Coconut Oil Uses & Cures.

ELEMENTAL MAGiCK : Chinese medicine and this ancient form of correcting imbalance in the body through acupuncture, diet and practices such as Qi Gong can be better understood when we study the five elements and their relation to certain organs and systems in the body... 

WiTCHY VLOG OF THE WEEK : Mark Blumenthal, Jim Duke, Roy Upton, David Winston and David Hoffmann for HerbTV on Herb Safety...

Tuesday's Episode Of HiPPiE WiTCH : Magick For A New Age...