From Resolution To Ritual : The Magick Of Small Daily Habits

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle 

Did you know that, by this time each year, 95% of the people who set New Year Resolutions have already let them go? Kind of depressing, huh?

Maybe there's a better way to reach our goals & dreams than to burden ourselves with huge, overly ambitious lists of commitments before our year's even begun?

I know there is & it starts with rituals, not the by-the-light-of-the-full-moon kind of rituals that many people perform to mark the changing seasons or to help with a special wish, but the kind of strategic, daily rituals that manifest incremental transformations over long periods of time.

Those are the kind of rituals that I'm talking about in the video below and, as small as they may first seem, they can be huge catalysts for creating real & lasting change in your life!

Rituals That Generate Feelings Of Comfort & Safety:

★ Break daily for afternoon tea.
★ If your place of business requires that you wear heels, keep a pair of cushiony ballet flats in your purse or sneakers in your desk for after office hours.
★ Invest in the softest, most luxurious undergarments that you can afford.
★ Replace your morning shower with a post-work, candle-lit bath.
★ Before answering the phone, take a long, deep, cleansing breath.

Rituals That Generate Feelings Of Importance & Significance:

★ Keep a standing date at a local restaurant or cafe & befriend the staff. Show up the same day each week & enjoy the ViP treatment reserved for beloved regulars.
★ Be of service. Volunteer your time to a worthy cause & show up like clockwork.
★ Dress to impress. People will respond to not only the implied status of a crisp business suit or well-played fashion statement but also to the extra swagger that comes from knowing that you look your best.
★ If you are a parent, read to your child every night without fail.
★ If you have a neighbor with immobilizing health problems, walk their mail or newspaper to their front door every day.

Rituals That Generate Feelings Of  Wealth & Financial Security:

★ Switch from reading gossip blogs or cruising Facebook to reading articles on websites like Forbes, Inc, and Fast Company.
★  Take 10% off the top of each paycheck and invest it immediately.
★ Put your accumulated change at the end of each day in a money jar the second you walk in from work.
★ Listen to audio books about wealth creation instead of the radio during your daily commute.
★ Kick that $5 a day Starbucks habit and tuck that cash into a money market account.

A special note to writers (or any creative type) : Writers write. So, if you want to feel like a writer, write! Write every day. Runners run. Painters paint. And plumbers... plumb? LOL. You know what I mean...

"If you create an act, you create a habit. If you create a habit, you create a character. If you create a character, you create a destiny." -Andre Maurois 

And- if you're looking for ritual ideas for creating a kickass sense of self love, look no further than my eBook, "HiPPiE WiTCH : Peace, Love & All The Good Shit." It's FREE when you sign up for the EVERY WiTCH WAY newsletter!