It's That Time Again... Time To GET YOUR SEXY ON!!!

SAD To SEXY is a 4 week program designed to help you move gently & easily from the Standard
American Diet (SAD) to a sexy, more vibrant lifestyle that includes lots of fresh, live food & a whole rainbow of tasty new possibilities. 

SAD To SEXY is designed to help you:
  • increase your energy levels
  • boost your libido
  • improve the texture of your skin
  • create that signature Raw Food Glow that raw foodists are famous for
  • achieve optimal health & a sexy body that you can be proud of
  • incorporate more healthy foods into your family's diet without anyone freaking out

SAD To SEXY is dogma-free. It is not about fear-mongering, guilt-inducing or shaming yourself into a tedious diet of deprivation.

SAD To SEXY is all about having FUN, exploring new flavors & textures, and easing more healthy foods into your life in a way that is convenient, affordable & sustainable.

SAD To SEXY is a multi-media online course, featuring:
  • educational videos
  • recipe tutorials
  • motivational email prompts
  • "Your Sexy New Bod" PDF workbook
  • "Get Your Sexy On" eBook
  • "Six Sexy Salads : The Beauty Of Avocado" eBook
SAD To SEXY enrollment also includes access to a private FaceBook group, so that we can all follow along together, sharing tips, resources, encouragement & our sexy success story milestones. I will be there every day of the four week program to answer your questions.


SAD To SEXY ($120) Jan-Feb2014