The Weekly Witch Review #21 : Hogwarts House Cards, The Dirt Cure, The Grand Witches Tea Party, Trippicaca & More!
TGiF Witches...
Welcome to the latest edition of "The Weekly Witch Review", a kickass guide to all things new & exciting (or at least new & exciting to me) on the wonderfully wacky world wide web...
Welcome to the latest edition of "The Weekly Witch Review", a kickass guide to all things new & exciting (or at least new & exciting to me) on the wonderfully wacky world wide web...
★ My latest obsession : Sage! Lavender! Tea!
★ Those Nightly Visits With The Sandman Are Necessary For Your Health.
★ Something stylin' for your inner Wild Woman to groove on...
★ If you're a regular reader of The Weekly Witch Review, you probably already know that I am super interested in the way psychedelics have played a role in shaping human consciousness. That's why I'm sharing another article on that now! Trippicaca : The Psychedelic Lifestyle Of The Tiwanaku People.
★ This actually surprised me... Imagination & Memory Use Different Parts Of The Brain.
★ Laura Mazurek on digging up roots and how Life Mirrors Life.
★ The Grand Witches Tea Party!!! Need I say more?
★ This is F-ing genius. Amanda Hess cleverly shows us all what total bullshit it is to keep dragging Jennifer Aniston's name & reputation into the bullshit Jolie-Pitt tabloid saga. Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Wed : Will Billy Bob Thorton Ever Find Happiness?
★ My New Roots... Wow. This looks stunning. I'd buy it for the cover alone. I also really appreciate that the focus is on seasonal recipes...
★ Oh my goodness! Hogwarts House Cards? The cuteness never ends over on Pixie Hill.
★ I absolutely feel this. Absolutely. Great post by Allison Sattinger on Being That Which You Are :
"The rough truth is that if you do these things
and think you'll use a pre-owned dream
to further your own, the world is cheated
of the greatness you've got, the greatness
completely unique to your hand and heart."
★ This one's for all the yoga-luvin' witchies out there... Living Omily on how to Quit Being A Baby Ego And Start Being A Baby Cobra.
★ Conserving Magickal Energy.
★ Beaver's Anus Tea! I think it's safe to assume that you don't want to drink this.
★ GOOP : The Dirt Cure... I couldn't figure out how to link directly to this story, so I'm sorry to say that you will have to scroll past "How To Make The Perfect Bed" in order to get the dirt on dirt.
★ WiTCHY VLOG OF THE WEEK : The Stars Impel But They Do Not Compel... Guruka of Sikhnet answers... "Does Astrology And Numerology Affect My Future?"
★ Tuesday's Episode Of HiPPiE WiTCH : Magick For A New Age...