The Infamous Vortex Of Co-Creation & Life In The Eye Of The Perfect Storm...

The Law Of Attraction aka the principle of Like attracts Like is a potent form of magick.

I know this, because it has proven itself to me again & again & again...

I actually go through phases in the practicing of it, although it remains the most consistent spiritual belief of my adult life.

There are times when I just get super gung ho about the whole concept, shoving aside any lingering doubt & getting busy with it...

And- every time I do- every single time- I am amazed by the results.

I am amazed at how magnetic my own thoughts & emotions are, and how, when I consciously focus that energy, I can- to an astounding degree- influence my experience.

There are many tips, tricks & techniques circulating through the new age community on how to practice The Law Of Attraction (there's also a lot of misguided dogma), but I just wanted to kinda shoot the shit today in a raw, rambly way about a little thing called The Vortex...

If you'd like to explore more on the different kinds of vortices, here are some fun links to help you kick off that adevnture...

I am not a scientist, so I can't vouch for the accuracy of this article- but I've done a lot of reading up on the natural vortices of our planet & found this to be an interesting read... Vortex Mechanics : The Energy Around Sacred Sites

I actually believe that every cell of our body has it's own vortex of energy &, as such, is a kind of chakra in it's own right, but- I still think there is value in the basic "chakra system" as we new agey types understand it today, and this article outlines that concept in an easy-to-understand way... Wheels Of Life : Our Magnetic Energy System.

Also- one of my favorite ways of getting into "The Vortex", as explained in the video above, is to listen to Abraham Hicks videos. There are a jillion of them on Youtube, but this channel posts some really good ones. The thumbnail art is especially kickass!

And- here's a link to a BOOK NERD post I did a while back on Abraham Hick's famous book on The Law Of Attraction, Ask & It Is Given...

Do YOU have any experience working with The Vortex metaphor? If so- how'd that work out for you??? Got any cool stories you care to share?

'The Vortex is your own emotional, vibrational state. It is not 
a place or the place. It is a state of being".  -Abraham Hicks

The Magick Of The Law Of Attraction 
(September Facebook Challenge)