The Weekly Witch Review #100 : John Dee, A Haitian Vodou Priestess, Witchy Tools, DiY Wax Tarts & More!

TGiF Witches...

Welcome to the latest edition of "The Weekly Witch Review", a kickass guide to all things new & exciting (or at least new & exciting to me) on the wonderfully wacky world wide web... 

Your big story is hunting you.

An honest look at Hair & Healing with one of the most colorful witches I know!

★ MY CURRENT OBSESSiON = THE LOVE WiTCH. "She loved men… to death." Ha! Ha! Ha! This looks so over-the-top campy that it might actually be genius. Check out what director Anna Biller had to say about casting Samantha Robinson as The Love Witch, and then read this most intriguing review...

What is a Witch?

CALLiNG ALL UK WiTCHES : John Dee was a trip & a half, and now through July you can peruse mystical works from his personal library at London's Middle Temple Library. Way cool! Alas- I am on the other side of the world, so- if you do manage to get to this exhibit- please be sure to swing back by to tell me all about it.

3,000 year old ink... Intricate animal & flower tattoos found on ancient Egyptian mummy.

Meet the Vodou priestess summoning healing spirits in post-earthquake Haiti.

GAAAAH!!! How did I miss this when it was new?! Dita doing pilates is everything.

Desperately Seeking Solitude : Notes From A Hermit

WITCH, most often short for “Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell,” was born on Halloween 1968. They were the militant wildcard of the Chicago Women’s Liberation movement, the rebellious sisters of the Redstockings. Unabashedly anti-establishment, WITCH publicly hexed Wall Street, allegedly causing the DOW Jones to drop five points. Following this, autonomous covens popped up all over the continental US. Between 1968-1970, WITCH was busy staging spooky demonstrations and engaging in guerrilla theater...

You Are Witchy Enough!

An Oldie But A Goodie : Carrie Mallon's Manifesto For Seekers & Healers...

"I give approximately zero fucks what anyone thinks of me.
I don’t have time for that, I’ve got work to do."

RAW POWER : amor fati is Latin for witchy badass.

Radical Natural Cheesemaking? Yup. It's a thing... How To Make Your Own Cheese.

CRAFTY WiTCH : DiY Non-Toxic Wax Tarts

Wouldn't you jump at the chance to spend an afternoon with the now iconic Janet Farrar & Gavin Bone? Well now- in a roundabout virtual way- you can.

What witch doesn't LOVE the Victorian era? Perhaps that's because it's occult-loving, flower-strewn beauty was somehow aligned with it's name sake's creative yearnings? Check out these private etchings by Queen Victoria and decide for yourself.

America’s First-Ever Vegan Butcher Shop!

The Modern Mystics by photogtapher Diana Zalucky = GORGEOUS.

★ WiTCHY VLOG OF THE WEEK : Ashera Star Goddess on Witchy Tools...

★ Tuesday's Episode Of HiPPiE WiTCH : Magick For A New Age... 

 13 Principles For Creating The Kickass Life Of Your Dreams