How To Give Yourself A Break AND Become More Productive In The Process...
Even as we hippie witchy people lay claim to working with the cycles of Nature, honoring the cycles of the moon & sun, recognizing the Life/Death/Life rhythm in everything, we often forget to honor these movements within ourselves.
Our society not only encourages but practically insists upon all SUN, all GO, all productivity ALL the time, which ultimately is a weakness.
We may think that we're pushing ourselves beyond our limits in the name of getting some really important shit done, impressing our boss, moving ahead in life or perhaps even outrunning the shame-demon that lives inside our head, prodding us forward in the name of NOT being "a lazy slob".
Has anyone ever called you lazy? It stings, doesn't it?
Why is that?
What is the wound that word inflames?
I believe it is a wound of Patriarchy, the adoption of an outwardly driven, masculine-centric culture that rewards self deprivation & those who run run run like eager little hamsters to do their part, to play their role as just another clog in the economic wheel.
But here's the thing about that...
All sun-sun-sun will fry you to a crisp without the soothing relief of the moon...
And all go-go-go will burn you out until you finally learn the power of rest.
There is a very special power in rest.
It restores, inspires & reorients you to your Soul's purpose in a way that ultimately serves the doing.
It's a dance... Sun... Moon... Sun... Life... Death... Life...
And moving to the rhythms of this dance is key to keeping your MAGiCK in play year round...
★ If you'd like to explore the cycles of the sun in more depth, I invite you to check out The Psycho-Spiritual Wheel Of The Year...
We'll be working with the Autumn Transition this August- and I say "we", because there's a small group of us who gather in a private Facebook group for this program & you are more than welcome to join us there...
Our society not only encourages but practically insists upon all SUN, all GO, all productivity ALL the time, which ultimately is a weakness.
We may think that we're pushing ourselves beyond our limits in the name of getting some really important shit done, impressing our boss, moving ahead in life or perhaps even outrunning the shame-demon that lives inside our head, prodding us forward in the name of NOT being "a lazy slob".
Has anyone ever called you lazy? It stings, doesn't it?
Why is that?
What is the wound that word inflames?
I believe it is a wound of Patriarchy, the adoption of an outwardly driven, masculine-centric culture that rewards self deprivation & those who run run run like eager little hamsters to do their part, to play their role as just another clog in the economic wheel.
But here's the thing about that...
All sun-sun-sun will fry you to a crisp without the soothing relief of the moon...
And all go-go-go will burn you out until you finally learn the power of rest.
There is a very special power in rest.
It restores, inspires & reorients you to your Soul's purpose in a way that ultimately serves the doing.
It's a dance... Sun... Moon... Sun... Life... Death... Life...
And moving to the rhythms of this dance is key to keeping your MAGiCK in play year round...
We'll be working with the Autumn Transition this August- and I say "we", because there's a small group of us who gather in a private Facebook group for this program & you are more than welcome to join us there...