MEGA VLOG #17 : Feng Shui, Tarot Of The New Vision, My Old BOS & Other Random Stuff...

I am NOT perfect.

I know that must come as a huge shock to you, because clearly I exude perfection at every turn! Har Har Har... 

But you know what's funny?

I still get hung up sometimes on the fear of exposing too many of my imperfections lest I somehow fall short of my self-proclaimed title of Kickass Witch...

Would a Kickass Witch get a bedbug infestation in her home? Would she create a mudslide in her own kitchen? Or forget what number podcast she's recording?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here & say she would... sometimes... because shit happens to us all, even the most kickass witchiest among us.

And- in case you need a more animated demonstration of that, I hereby present you with this...

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