The Weekly Witch Review #142 : Wallet Altars, Magickal Shortcuts, Healing The Mother Wound & More!

TGiF Witches...

Welcome to the latest edition of "The Weekly Witch Review", a kickass guide to all things new & exciting (or at least new & exciting to me) on the wonderfully wacky world wide web... 

The Magickal Shortcut.

10 Signs You Are A Shamanic Being.

★ "I love the synergy of how those herb feel in my body, and what it does to my chemistry." Moon Juice’s Amanda Chantal Bacon is sprinkling sex dust everywhere she goes...

★ A Step-By-Step Guide to creating An Abundance Altar in Your Wallet.

Uluru : The Most Sacred Site Of Australia... Anangu are believed to be the direct descendants of the spirit – creators of Uluru and the nature that surrounds it . The Anangu people are the guardians of the Rock .

Cults are exploitative, weird groups with strange beliefs and practices, right? So what about regular religions then?

★ Vagus, Baby... Why You Should Care About Your Vagus Nerve.

★ Is it a Sign From The Universe or simply a Divine Wink?

Psych Out : That time a shadowy Rockport estate became the world epicenter of psychics & psychedelics...

★ Develop Resiliency: How to Move Towards Your Fears.

★ Deanna Steinborn of Down To Earth Ceramics makes these round cauldron shaped mugs, featuring moons & crystals & so much love, saying, "to me, ceramics represent magic, nature, art and the beauty hidden inside small, quiet moments..." Dontcha just love that? I do... Her Instagram's got the magick touch too...

★ Former card-slinger & forever witchy woman, Fiona Benjamin on how she’s creating the kickass life of her dreams one quarter at a time.

★ Scientists Have Found the Oldest Known Human Fossils : Hundreds of thousands of years ago, around 62 miles west of what would eventually become Marrakesh, a group of people lived in a cave overlooking a lush Moroccan landscape…

Don't be a good witch.

★ Strawberry Cardamom Almond Milk, because... YUM.

5 Reasons You Might Not Identify With Your Zodiac Sign.

Making A Marriage Magically Tidy : A recovering slob writes what is truly one of the most hilarious articles ever written. Sooo many LOL moments. I too am a recovering slob.

★ One super groovy witch designed this super groovy t-shirt that senses climate change.

Healing The Mother Wound.

WiTCHY VLOG OF THE WEEK : Laura Daligan on All Things Altar...

★ Tuesday's Episode Of HiPPiE WiTCH : Magick For A New Age...
The Courage To Take Responsibility For Your Own Transformation

JOiN ME on Patreon for 2 exclusive videos + 3 BONUS episodes of HiPPiE WiTCH : Magick For A New Age every month!