The Weekly Witch Review #149 : The Boss Witch, Medusa's Song, Aliens In Ohio, Hexing For Social Change, Kickass Shadow Workers & More!

TGiF Witches...

Welcome to the latest edition of "The Weekly Witch Review", a kickass guide to all things new & exciting (or at least new & exciting to me) on the wonderfully wacky world wide web... 

★ Release Your Fear Of Change... CHANGE iS GOOD.

5 Undercover Practices Of An Urban Priestess.

★ RULE # 1 of Hexing For Social Change, and it's a BiGGiE : Make sure you actually want to tie yourself up into hex work....

★ Gotta Love It. This Scuba Diver Has Been Visiting the Same Fish for 30 Years.

Reading tarot online & getting a whole lotta shit for it... but who cares? Gotta do you, Boo!

MEDUSA has her own song, y’all! It’s intensely GOOD & so right on.

Kickass Shadow Work Resources (present company included... yay!)

★ Bri Luna is one BOSS WiTCH.

TAKE CARE OF YOU : It's nice & often inspiring to get a glimpse into the self-care routines of other people, even better when that glimpse comes with lotsa pretty pics of nature & yummy-looking food...

★ WOW!!! Aliens In Ohio.

★ Another one to file under What We Witches Have Always Known : The Mental & Spiritual Benefits Of Forests.


★ The Walking Witch : City Craft & The Magick of Urban Spaces.  

★ Beware the skunk butt... Museum Of Nature.

"But of course we had to fuck..." LOL. Okay- so this has nothing to do with anything witchy, but I've got a teensy girl crush on Garance Doré (have you heard her podcast? LOVE)... and she wrote this really sweet piece for Lenny about her personal journey, trying to become a mom after 40.

BADASS MOON RiSiNG : Your Guide To The Most Feminist Eclipse Ever.

WiTCHY VLOG OF THE WEEK : Abiola Abrams asks What Is Holding You Back?...

★ Tuesday's Episode Of HiPPiE WiTCH : Magick For A New Age...
Raising Kids In A Magickal Home

JOiN ME on Patreon for 2 exclusive videos + 3 BONUS episodes of HiPPiE WiTCH : Magick For A New Age every month!