What If It Doesn't Spark Joy? The Shadow In Your Closet


It's that time of year again...

Time to kick off the cobwebs & let there be light! 

Some may even call it The Season Of Kondo.😂

But- what if you're going around your house, decluttering, space clearing, tidying up, and you come across an item that not only does NOT spark joy- it actually sparks something charged with nastiness & feels downright uncomfortable?

What do you do then?

Do you chuck it? 
Put it back where you found it? 
Perform a literal exorcism?

I have a better idea...

Here are 8 illuminating questions you can ask if "it" most certainly does not spark joy :

1. What EXACTLY am I feeling now in relationship to this item?

2. Is there a deeper feeling buried beneath that?

3. Is there a STORY attached-- either to that feeling or to the item that brought that feeling up for examination?

4. What's my role in that story?

5. Can I think of other scenarios in which I've played that role?

6. Is that a role I would like to continue playing? 

7. If not- what purpose did playing that role serve? What need was I trying to meet?

8. How can I meet that need in a more empowered way going forward?

*Inquiries like this can seem simple at first glance, but- if you approach them with an open heart & genuine curiosity- they can be quite revealing, and revelation is good here!. What is revealed can then be healed.

Forgive it. Thank it. Let it be.

And- if you're interested in going deeper with the shadow work now, I'm offering

... *A BiG JUiCY DiSCOUNT* on the following products- to help give your journey some focus & structure...

*GET 40% OFF the 6 part Shadow Love audio journey &/or the Spring Transition module of the Psycho-Spiritual Wheel Of The Year when you enter this code at checkout : shadowselfie

Until we meet again...

Happy Spring Cleaning & a blessed Imbolc to you & yours!