EVERY WITCH WAY : An Interview With Allison Sattinger

Do you like crystals & stones? Do you feel they have magickal properties?

What about plants? Or metal?

Allison Sattinger has a way of bringing plants & stones & metal together in the most soulful yet wearable way. Actually she's found a way to work a similar kind of alchemy into the way she does everything.

She is a woman who has found a way to combine her myriad talents & loves into one meaningful, sunny collage of a life.

She is a silversmith, a leathercrafter, a singer-songwriter, and a delightfully proud mother & wife.

Lucky for us, she has agreed to share some of her magick with us today...

Visit Sunny Rising to check out Allison's music & wearable creations!

I posted about Allison & her incredible jewelry earlier in the year & you can check that out HERE.