How The Evil Occult Illuminati Is Messing With Your Mind... And How You Can Mess Around With It On Your Own...
Designer labels, hood ornaments, dollar bills, the logo on your favorite cup of coffee...
These are all powerful symbols.
They themselves do not hold any innate power. It's what they symbolize that gets a reaction out of you, depending on the symbol.
Skilled marketers, large corporations & governments know this, and they are masters at manipulating your emotions using symbols.
They know that it's not about the symbol itself, but what the symbol represents.
If "nefarious magick" is to have a real impact on the world, it's got to be so covert as to be hiding in plain sight and represented on a mass scale. Symbolism can do this.
Hitler, thanks to his education on propaganda by way of one Edward Bernays, understood this better perhaps than anyone in the history of bad news and used it to devastating effect. I believe his terrifying use of symbolism is responsible for so many of the occult-centric conspiracy theories now circulating on the internet.
People are paranoid! And- perhaps for good reason...
Fortunately, symbolism can be used to effect positive change in the exact same way, as will be in evidence all across the United Stated come Fourth of July. Flags will be waved. Tears will be shed. Barbecue will be had.
For many Americans, the symbol of those red, white & blue stars & stripes waving high up in the air is one that evokes feelings of safety and freedom. Of course, there are those for whom it invokes anger, which is one of the main points I'm looking to make here today...
Symbolism is highly personal.
And- most interestingly, you can use it in your magick to tap into your own emotions & the deep, hard-to-reach layers of your subconscious mind to purposely create remarkable change...
If you haven't yet had a chance to check out Robert Moss' Sidewalk Oracles, I created this BOOK NERD post for you. I pulled out all of my favorite quotes & wrote up a quick review in order to help you decide if it's a book you might enjoy... Lawd knows I do!
★ Also- this is the "power tool" that I mentioned in the video above. It will teach you in a fun, easy-to-grasp way how to leverage the power of symbolism in your own life & magick : Creating Thought Forms That Spring To Life...
★ And- if you'd like to JOiN US for the SUMMER SOLSTiCE module of The Psycho-Spiritual Wheel Of The Year, you can do that HERE...
These are all powerful symbols.
They themselves do not hold any innate power. It's what they symbolize that gets a reaction out of you, depending on the symbol.
Skilled marketers, large corporations & governments know this, and they are masters at manipulating your emotions using symbols.
They know that it's not about the symbol itself, but what the symbol represents.
If "nefarious magick" is to have a real impact on the world, it's got to be so covert as to be hiding in plain sight and represented on a mass scale. Symbolism can do this.
Hitler, thanks to his education on propaganda by way of one Edward Bernays, understood this better perhaps than anyone in the history of bad news and used it to devastating effect. I believe his terrifying use of symbolism is responsible for so many of the occult-centric conspiracy theories now circulating on the internet.
People are paranoid! And- perhaps for good reason...
Fortunately, symbolism can be used to effect positive change in the exact same way, as will be in evidence all across the United Stated come Fourth of July. Flags will be waved. Tears will be shed. Barbecue will be had.
For many Americans, the symbol of those red, white & blue stars & stripes waving high up in the air is one that evokes feelings of safety and freedom. Of course, there are those for whom it invokes anger, which is one of the main points I'm looking to make here today...
Symbolism is highly personal.
And- most interestingly, you can use it in your magick to tap into your own emotions & the deep, hard-to-reach layers of your subconscious mind to purposely create remarkable change...
★ Also- this is the "power tool" that I mentioned in the video above. It will teach you in a fun, easy-to-grasp way how to leverage the power of symbolism in your own life & magick : Creating Thought Forms That Spring To Life...
★ And- if you'd like to JOiN US for the SUMMER SOLSTiCE module of The Psycho-Spiritual Wheel Of The Year, you can do that HERE...