HiPPiE WiTCH #500 : an Affirmation Process for Changing Beliefs + a Chat with a Witchy Mama
Happy Spring, friends...
It feels like a nice time now to engage in a bit of happy hippie witchy woo and to kick the proverbial dust off our inner-selves.
I like to think of affirmations & journaling processes (like the one I'm sharing with you here today) as a form of internal feng shui...
Space clearing for the soul!
So- this episode starts off with some of that and then rolls right into a fun lil' chat I had with one of my favorite witchy mamas...
Hope you like it!
★ An Affirmation Process For Changing Beliefs + A Chat with a Witchy Mama...
★ FREE eBOOK : The Tao Of Biz Witchery
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