HiPPiE WiTCH #532 : An' It Harm None, an interview with witch & author Casey Giovinco...
Kindness is underrated.
I happen to believe there's real magick in it.
Kindness softens hearts & opens minds.
It paves the way for authentic connection and makes space for people to feel seen... truly seen, which is one of the greatest gifts we can give each other.
★ An' It Harm None, an interview with witch & author Casey Giovinco...
★ CHECK OUT Casey's latest book, Magick From The The Mat (affiliate link)
★ ViSiT Casey Giovinco online to explore more of his work.
★ FOLLOW The Gala Witch on Instagram.
★ CHECK OUT Casey's interview with Buck Agrios for Queer Pagan Men Australia.
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★ Tap into the magick of the HiPPiE WiTCH archives here.