HiPPiE WiTCH #549 : How To Be an Art Witch with Molly Roberts
Raise your hand if you'd like to get crafty.
Raise two if you'd like to get crafty with magick!
Would you like to make an Ensorceled Altar Box?
Do you even know what an Ensorceled Altar Box is?
I'm guessing not, because a) ensorceled is a very old word that's fallen out of common use and b) Molly Roberts made it up!
That's what art witches do.
They create things like Ensorceled Altar Boxes and Protection Plushies, Dream Incubation Eggs and Manifestation Mobiles...
And the point is to enchant themselves & their world with pure imagination and dedicated, playful craft.
★ TO READ : Art Magick - How To Become An Art Witch And Unlock Your Secret Power by Molly Roberts (affiliate link)
★ ViSiT : Molly Robert's online.
★ FOLLOW : Molly Roberts on Youtube.
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