THE JO DEVOE SHOW #16 : A Feminine Approach To Creating Financial Abundance with Jocelyn Kelly Reid

So much of what we've been taught about money lends itself to burn out and demoralization. 

We can only push and grind and hustle for so long before we start to feel depleted, and even if we are able to keep keeping on like that for a very long timethere's no guarantee that the pay off will be worth it.

So, what if there's a better way? A softer and (dare I say) easier way?

Jocelyn Kelly Reid insists that there is, and she's made it her business to help other women experience it for themselves.

★ A Feminine Approach To Creating Financial Abundance...

CHECK OUT : Jocelyn Kelly Reid's many offerings for creating greater financial abundance through a more feminine approach.

★ LiSTEN TO : Queen Flow the podcast.

FOLLOW : Jocelyn Kelly Reid on Instagram.

★ GET 50% OFF : The Magick Star audio journey with this code at check out : selfworth

★ GET 50% OFF : the Shadow Love audio journey with this code at check out : selfworth

LEAVE A MESSAGE : Ask me anything! Leave a 90 second voice message over on Speak Pipe, and I'll do my best to work it into a future episode. 

★ JOiN ME on Patreon to follow along with The Journey, The Micro-Making Of A Tarot Deck, or to subscribe to the exclusive new podcast The BiBO Effect : Beauty In Beauty Out.  

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