THE JO DEVOE SHOW #23 : You Are Worthy As You Are, an interview with Durgadas Allon Duriel

As a lifelong seeker of The Way, I feel confident in saying that there is no one way.

There are many ways to peace, love and greater understanding.

And oftentimes, the best way is a blend of many different ways.

In fact, you may find that the way that works for you now might one day be replaced with a way that works better.

You are worthy no matter which way you choose.

Today's podcast guest might fairly be described as an eclectic Wayshower, and he's here with a wealth of experience and training to help guide us.

★ You Are Worthy As You Are...

★ TO READ : Worthy As You Are by Durgadas Allon Duriel (affiliate link)

★ TO READ : The Little Work by Durgadas Allon Duriel (affiliate link)

 ViSiT : Durgadas Allon Duriel's website to learn more about his offerings.

★ FOLLOW : Durgadas Allon Duriel on Instagram

★ LEAVE A MESSAGE : Ask me anything! Leave a 90 second voice message over on Speak Pipe, and I'll do my best to work it into a future episode. 

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