THE JO DEVOE SHOW #32 : Will Machines Replace Us? A Natural Remedy For The Next Existential Threat Of Our Time

I refuse to abandon myself.

I won't be nudged, inch by inch, into a gradual loss of my natural pace and sense of well-being.   

I am not too busy to read a novel or to build a seasonal altar, to prep a meal slowly, wander the hills just for the heck of it or have a long, winding conversation with a friend.

I will not be algorithmically trained away from the truth or caught up in needless distractions.   

I will not surrender my attention span to the highest bidder.

Instead I will make a daily point of spending time outside without a phone or computer; just the birds and the bugs and the dirt and the trees. 

Whatever happens in that space free of screens is between me and nature.

It will not be captured, no matter how likely to get clicks of approval.

This is how I will remember what is real and right.

This is how I will come back to my senses.

★ Will Machines Replace Us? A Natural Remedy For The Next Existential Threat Of Our Time...

★ TO READ : Will Machines Replace Us? A Natural Remedy For The Next Existential Threat Of Our Time (Medium)

TO READ : My Blue Check Experiment. What It's Really Like To Subscribe To Twitter Blue (Medium)

★ LEAVE A MESSAGE : Ask me anything! Leave a 90 second voice message over on Speak Pipe, and I'll do my best to work it into a future episode. 

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